You should probably hit it farther than you do right now ...
But if you're steep, over the top, and twist in transition, you've got a governor on speed. In fact, I don't care how big, strong and powerful you are -Ā if you don't attack the ball with the driverĀ from the inside, on the way up, you'll never reach your distance potential.Ā
Fix Your Driver
What would you do with 20 extra yards off the tee?
This isn't weight or speed training. You likely have distance you aren't using, and haven't tapped into. Most golfers can hit it longer without ever stepping into a gym. We are changing the way you attack the golf ball. When you optimize the way the club attacks the golf ball, distance is effortless.Ā
The course is broken down into easy to follow modules. Learn at your own pace, on your own terms. Patience is your friend in this course, and by following these steps you'll be on your way to longer drives.Ā